
We're all the same

I think an obvious statement is we are supposed to be ourselves. In today’s society I constantly see people living up to images. Now I know everyone instantly gives the affirmation that they are a complete individual separated from consumerism but I think in an odd way that attesting to perfection. We all need to learn and none of us have an inner utopia. Nonetheless you can I believe we can be individuals to a large degree.

Individuality is essential for a society to survive. Survival can be defined on multiple levels. There is the Economic, Social, Psychological and so forth. It’s important especially today to understand the importance of individual contribution to the collective whole. We should most certainly understand that our individual action have a direct impact on every little detail of future events. Individuality is the foundation of survival. It’s how we were designed to exist. Take that away and were all “dancing in a graveyard” as headnoise (punk band) put it.
There is a quote that goes “we classify and categorize to keep ourselves divided. We are individuals not the images divided.” How true is it that the real walls aren’t corporate structures necessarily or neighborhoods we have fears of going into. The dividing lines aren’t locked doors or hostile faces. They aren’t even social classes or the person you said “wasn’t your type” so you “denied their application”. No the true walls are the one we put up in our heart. The idols of our self images. Dividing us and simultaneously destroying a beautiful part of all before its born.

A Straight edge band called With Honor has an amazing song when will we learn. Its a song about unity and the strongest part of the song is just a phrase “when will we learn were all the same” Its so true that we divide ourselves, make a connection with someone we say “we connect with” then look for the division again. Essentially I believe we are all the same. Oddly enough Ill give you the last point of my thoughts from a source that none of you expect but mostly to prove a point. When I majored in Advertising later getting a degree in it there was a system that advertisers used in order to effectively reach coughmanipulatecough consumers. One particular area of this system was illustrated by something called Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Notice the top is self actualization. It’s described in terms of the thing that will give you the ultimate satisfaction basically. Or in others words there is something everyone desires. Advertisers go in knowing this and try to exploit that. My point is this. We are essentially all the same and there is something that will fulfill us all. There are things in our lives that we live and die trying to achieve. The biggest of those things is perfect love. We err so much trying to find it. Advertisers know that and they go after our lust for images and so on. Our Lust becomes a profit margin, all the while getting us away from the very thing that could make our society better. A lack of true individuality and division is simply an expression of the wall in our hearts.

All of the things aforementioned begs a question: what came down first? Was it the Berlin wall or the walls in their hearts? We need to search for our fingerprints or they may be lost to us for good.

AUTHORS NOTE: no poety today just an essay

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