
Currently Playing
Blaster The Rocketman

The Anatomy Of A Monster

Track: God Free Youth Flying Around In A X-wing Fighter


I'll live my live like edamame
this confrontation wont last if I see it
the last
that's what I told myself
then one day
I died
after that I plucked the maker's brain
asking him why some days I couldn't enjoy them
why some days they werent as sweet
days they weren't packed with joy
and some days they were soggy and beat
not to mention the few days they were perfectly perky

I was sure he'd tell me
and sure enough this is what he said
each day they were good to eat but because of yourself
you only enjoyed a few
each day they were steamed to perfection
each bean had not a care in the world
I made this entire world for your ecological consumption
taking into consideration
my immaculate farming guidelines for beans
despite the fact that you prefer beats

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