
Bi Tri Bridge.

would consideration be sacrilege?

I hope this inspires you

I hope you one day will end

I hope for your interrupted reality

in finding out

there is one thing in
and simultaneously out this world

that will never

ever end


Light Storm

I need words

my words hit the wind
and told me

it would soon be bright against the day

my hope hit the wind
astounded at this thing

carrying it

taking it away

my words and hope flighty with wonder
can there be anything better said they
is there greater?
are we really being swept away?

my reality hit the wind
but this is where I now leave you

this is where I get carried away
my doubt all mangled like confetti

there is a greater
it's real
I'm going away...


Hank's Saloon : featuring Dori Disaster

Forgive and never met

Light shine
greater than me

shine mine
grace is free


Tosco Tango

(love)the overused word that doesn't mean the word

love keeps you steady
it tests you
make certain it will test you

how silly of you
if it is you
to try and date love

make a temporary statement and call it love

for it requires all of you

all ten toes
each of your ten fingers
one nose
both eyes
even that brain inside your skull

no fleeting passion
no flighty moodswing
away passing emotion
forsake passing circumstance

don't even speak it's name in vein
for love is sacred
look up its above

it takes more than you
it takes all of you
it requires more than you can give of you

death alas be it's alias
"do" dear fellow be it's armor bearer
"everything" be it's closest brother
and "long suffering" it's mother

to know love is to be loved
and to love is to never ever let go
even when met with eternity

dark encamped around thee
nothing left to cling to
hand in the hand of love's liberty
smiling in the face of catastrophy

with an air of certainty
you say
this I do all and I do mean ALL


blue district

soli deo gloria

shine shine

yea ill go ahead and say it

this I can not deny
this feeling

its not mine
not it
not might

and oh
it feels right

looking above
and outside me

it feels right
this small
blue light


speed demon

Murderer called pride

I'm untraceable
I'm midnight
the loss of starry sight

the little monster Frankenfright

I'm untouchable

the victimless crime
Gotham's grime

I'm you
I'm in you
I am you

I'm untraceable
I'm untraceable

the smashed out headlight
goin' 60

shot straight across a bridge
headin' clear past Kentucky

Author's Note:
1 Cor 10:12 Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.


sun down bike



let not my eyes
lead this wagon weary

for one only can journey well
by faith



Four Wall Blackmail

Freedom is screaming in the night:

walls walls
damn these four walls

they curse me they curse me
all night I've been on my knees

they whisper they screech
they howl my secrets in the night

did the trees hear?
did they eavesdropping owl's take flight?

but not more
no more blackmail in sight

he took the sledgehammer
smashed the lying walls
crumbling them all

none left
none with might

a bitter morning cascading though the asbestos bight
crumbled my horror
new day
end night

Author's Note 1 Corinthians 4:16
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.

Dedicated to every single male who struggles or has struggled with pornography. Jesus loves you and is that thing you search for on your screen. He created you to worship him. Imagine all the ecstasy you feel surpassed by freedom in him. That is salvation.


Break of Reality Performs Union Sq. Park - NYC


so said I with certainty

a love has past

none now with me

fond am I of what I wish to be

lovingly cradling a ghost close to me

for you my love I thread silk along the sea

an ocean I'd cry not if again I lost thee

far better for me
to love
then lose

then never to press close to thee
and hold
to speak words of poetry

to miss
to hope
to cherish
to love
to dream
to quarrel
then reconcile

to have another
like two doves