


sad to say
this organic thing
living in me today

a forbidden desire
a faulty sink

eyes that glow
hair a pretty shade
breasts that gleam
smile deceitful

my heart a shade mean

like Samson I shaved my head
bald and clean
unfortunate my gratitude
polka dot stockings
prancing around
making a scene

I'm weakened by the now
hearing with my eyeballs
feeling my way to the seen

now is my port destiny
eventual is to far to walk
tomorrow is what is truthfully mean

my hearts lifestyle petty
it's a house straw brick sturdy

glass houses full of rocks can't be seen


Seaport, Manhattan

Now Playing - Luti-Kriss - (Bonus Track) - Album - Throwing Myself

Caterpillar Arm

caterpillar caterpillar
turned into a fly
caterpillar caterpillar
grew an arm
reached out and touched sky

you see I shot the mailman
the messenger offended my eye

the letter was delivered a year too early
so I turned him into a dirt pie

for all my expectations
for all my work is a fulfilled pity

this world works without my satisfaction
there appears to be a greater I and again a greater eye

sitting humbly with variety
still silent and relaying to the listener a defeated sigh

pride my un-maker
my undoing
attempting to run away with my mind

so no longer do I pretend I'm dressed in fine linen
throwing this here arm up

I give up
its your show now



nor I


look again

Look again

look again
there is something pretty there
something not so dirty about the air

some clean in that look
perhaps its not so infested
give it a chance
and again look

its me
I am that

one you turn away from
a dirty window
soiled with the black

deep inside
there something worthwhile

but go a bit farther
outcast a smile

I'm on the other side of willow creek
underneath your roasting chimney
in fact

I'm your dirty window needing cleaning
but still on me living water kisses in drops

look again