
Currently Playing

Live at Stubb's

Close my eyes

why im real

why I'm real?
ill tell you why
a sigh

I breathe I touch
then its you with a knife I might cut

but more likely an unkind word then touch

I hurt I feel
I reason that this you will feel
with intellect I surmise
with lust eyes fixed on a prize

I touch what I cannot see
even if that is black inside me

you see this is what makes me human
although I try and try
again and again

on the floor
kick spit growl and fuss
still I am what I am
no more
just the right amount of fire and cuss

all wrong impulses
nothing of fluff and care
oh is there someone
an aversion that dare?

to step within this sticky darkness
to take me out the rut
if this problem persists Ill admit
forever sure doth look like more than a black stump

but avast there is one
that did take me out
gave me hope a clean ship
a course sails and a merry stout

for him I'll attribute all fortune and fame
a pirate following his course
never to darkness do I now owe time

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