
Currently Playing
Hans Zimmer

The Last Samurai

Small measure of peace

say-i-vior l-o-v-e

what is it?
all men seek it
time bows in awe of it

lovers are drawn into it
madmen even fail to kill it
regimes have yet to conquer it
alas the moon itself speaks of it

fathers bear sons and mirror it
families are binded due to their debt to it
sisters drown brothers in it
do you see it?
can you speak it?

poets still write of it
over and again we long to hear it
heaven overflows with it
give in because now you wish me to speak it

over and again we flock to it
empires fall who dominate by orphaning it
this world would be a barron womb if not for it
all watch but few intimately know it
never smelling
staying odorless

men climb mountains thinking they will find it
searching countless shores wooing it
pirates leave their treasure seeing it
and again and again we encounter it
say I it or do thee know it
how much differently a name can one give a rose
when the difference is to hold it

it even escaped Shakespeare
what a great poet

what do I speak of

so perfect it came from above
men seek it
in one another
then goes the one they love

too perfect for here I say
and again I say

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