
Currently Playing
Iron & Wine

Our Endless Numbered Days

Track: Naked as they come

World Peace

We stood there and he looking at me
saw something yet to be
he said in your eyes are spread hope
neatly trimmed copses and a soldier made of oak
an emperors robe and a white dove
a tire with holes
and a bearded man holding thickets of wool
your hands remind me of a time when two dollars equaled four
a dance i once forgot and idealism written down
but now lost
In you I see what I've walked the earth manually trying to find
sleepful dreaming I never once found

Hesitation abounding I explained
a man's journey starts alone but doesnt finish that way
you've been looking for me and I you
Across the stars and through every bar
shallow deep and medium sized puddle
your tune is a broken beauty
a song I long to hear
follow me each day and we'll be complete
you I me and we
floating along concrete street
following whims desire and honey
This is a new day
but complete

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