
Currently Playing
With Honor

Heart Means everything

Track: Milwaukee

The ecology of our commerce

I am the freedom fighter
I am the caretaker
the indigenous zapatista
the tree squater combined with the rainforest saver
Today is a slow day so Im find myself wondering
in this vacant moment wondering about who you are
and why you judge me
i want to know why you call me a fanatic
dont you care about me?
If it was your family lost in a third world
would you pick up your gun and fight?
if your mother was the next in line
would you join her?
you would
then you'd be on the other side of the tracks
with me
the goal of humanity should be to cross dividing lines
to fight a cause not thier own
together is the ultimate aids vaccine
denial spreads the virus
will you come fight with us?
a side?
all im asking is that when she falls pick her up
pull out your credit card and treat her as if she was your sister
when you see "my" teenage brother with a bullet in his head
put down the double mocha latte
for one second consider the price of your apathy in a package
there is something deeper inside us all
life is being taken away from us
at the exact same moment its taken away from them
the ecological system of us is dying
because im connected to you
everything you do means the world to me
and our division kills the earth

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