
Currently Playing

The Satellite Years

Only The Clouds

no nudity allowed

everyone looks to be beautiful
in expiring eyes
but when I look directly into you
with you
inside changes
at once
I'm live active aware and different
my guts a little bit fuzzy
furry on my organs of mire and clay
never imagined I could be lovely
they say there are some things soap can't wash away
so I look far and distant
for someone to kiss this masquerade
only to find a butter fly close with consanants
kissing me knowing me
touching the aformentioned innards
lonelyness cacooned then sent on holiday
joy gives my lip plenty
no more yesteryear
all I've got is today

Authors note
- You are beautiful. Whoever you are. You were made in the image of God and loved into existance. dont waste your time finding validation in humans. Why because you were created to worship God. You were made to reflect Hashem. Thats the very meaning of life...

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