
Currently Playing

Time of your song

Life is ok its just a morning weary

today i got up
just in time
I tripped and fell down just in time
I got up walked and walked on
down a road past a meadow
saw a man two feet tall
he stopped I stopped we talked
our conversation made life commence
so I went on to face the day
I smiled and swung and then I saw a flower
upon that flower was a bee traveling to a land
unknown to me
so I became that bee and became that pollen
exploring that world regreting my past
but then I realized that everything I've known
was just in time
I got up and came to that stop
made that mistake
talked to that man and walked down that road
and everything ive known was valid
and everything ive known was beautiful
this new bold world was truth
so if life happened and led me to this
I guess I'm
just in time
just in time
just in time just in time

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