
Speed Poetry

While attempting to perform poems on the streets of NYC one day I found that people don’t stop. Shocker. So I tried to adapt and wrote something I dubbed a "speed poem". It’s a poem that will instantaneously grab the reader’s attention and get them to stop, give you money, read your poetry, whatever. It has to be short, sweet and preferably inder 3 lines. My Speed Poem worked for me and the poem titled "speed poem number one." was the first one ever done.
I was standing on 42nd and 7th with a cardboard box and took a Sharpie marker and wrote the poem on the side of the box so that passerby's would see the poem and lend my thoughts a second. I got more reaction than interaction but my art was seen so I was satisfied. In my opinion thought is priceless. (one possible interpretation of the second poem is Einstein's theory of relativity but I'm no scientist so I think you know the interpretation I enjoy the most)

speed poem number one
one second to make an impression.


your stars
and your clouds
are nebulous

I sit at the city's edge wanting to jump off
but something keeps me here

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