
greatly strikingly

It's funny how one thought
can disrupt the world around you

cloud you
arouse you
decieve you
break you
conflict risen about you
inside you
divide you

make you
shake you
dillude you
diffuse you

corrupt and confuse you
drain you
and at the same time name you

then another thought may come in
but this thought
saves you
uplifts you
tells you to hold on
persist and don't let the dark clouds tame you

you're captivated
turning aside in hope
pulled over sitting on an empty road
morningside sun up
clouds sifting through to bring bitter sunshine

with a stark sound brushing against
dark greys and smart violets

walking though winnowing fields
with peacful handfuls of destruction
saying "all is well with this one
joy is a hard thing to hold onto
in the face of suck sticky muck
one like this needs someone
with a great big pick up truck
hefty enough to carry loads of numbness and drudgery"

then with one coming great lines of complex imagery
all simply to great to not smash the insanity
breaking every hope belonging to misery

God saying
hold on
in my image I made thee
rhythm is my gift to thee
rotating like a world of dancing trees
and falling leaves
my motion choreographed
will carry free

In you my hope I give ye
fear not
with thee.

Author's Note: God loves you just the way you are. Claim your name.

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