
Currently Playing
Defiance Ohio
Summer 2003 Tour

Bikes and Bridges


pardon me
not subtle I sink
I win I pry
we kiss and hold
hands worn together
for years through fears
I'm walking one day talking
across the street
a friend with a skip
hop and some jaxs
they play along a cloud
a sky with mostly sun
further down the day
a bit past the east side of a block
grandma an elder
I respect
she smiles
wisdom part her lips
so decidedly I sit
she says
days like this aren't arrogant
to sit and play
a clear sky and a sober mind
put in a glass topped with a sunny sky
these are things I remember
then with a loving kiss and embrace
she sent me on my way
to tell all what we experienced this day
hoping a cane will save the day
letting me know kind memories
are fodder in the rough

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