
War Morn

young and ambitious
I was full of courage
I wished to go and fight the war
but where shall I go?
what's more how shall I fight?
so thus began my query

with a limp a hop and a voice too meek
I started my question marked journey
to the head office I went
and started my search
to question the generals of war

to fight he said
all you will need
is a mind to conquer hell's vengeful fury
now off with you boy
ask the men on the field
for their scars will tell
stories a plenty

so off I went to the sergeants of war
to further stretch my query
now one sergeant was helpful
with a face full of dirt
ears gone from all the shells and gunfire
all you'll need is a loud
triumphant yell
with which to celebrate the victory
now off you go to the front lines of war
there the privates will give your ears plenty
but pay attention quick
or you'll be sure to miss
the crux of this violent fury

hurried I rushed
into the eye of the wave
war never looked so bloody
it was there I met a private worn and spent
courage beaten bent but not bloodied

the private looked in my eye
and with one simple phrase
emboldened everything about me
he said to triumph over this war
you'll need know one simple thing
the victor
will have to die
for many

Author's Note: why am I a Christian? It is a powerful thing to know what true love is. So much so when you find that perfect love nothing in this world can ever compare to it. You in fact find yourself getting up everyday prepared to die for it. His sacrifice becomes yours. Not simply because you read a story and realize oh this is what I'm expected to do. But moreso because you see Christ's sacrifice and realize he died for the war going on inside you. Then all at once you see that it simply must end because you are waging a war with the very lover of your soul. One must ask why they would wish to destroy themselves by rejecting perfect love.

John 14:27


Anonymous said...

the first thing I assumed when I started reading this poem was it's about Iraq.. but it's funny how we are not able to realize of the war inside oneself..or how we choose to ignore it and give up becoming self absorbed and selfish. It certainly makes me think about the way I lead my life and the many things I have to work on not to deviate from Jesus's path.

jtsggfdssfgghhh said...
