

I fear myself scared
I lie silent with despicable expectation

this night
this rapid darknesss
insipid odor of its rank develops my soul
its black not brown
its all in my teeth
pushing out my cavities
taking over

I am
on the ground I lie eyes open
searching for a friend
with a heart and hand
light my way
but am I?
I'm staring to believe the dark
the black not brown

Im starting to slave my mind
molding it to shadows powerless whisper
I look inside
its my darkness in this black not brown place
Im alone
that's what I say as if schizophrenia suddenly developed in this place

but I stop and there something forms
a counter
a hope
a real thing

what if Im not lost
my fear really to do with him
I look to the sky
no remembering for a moment what tragedy Im in

what if my fear was really of not having him?
he would never lead me lonely
with him right I would never not win..

the stillness ceases to be darkness
I open the door
let him in
the dungeon fills with light
the black not brown room no more

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