
There is a scene in the show TV show "Nikita" where Nikita is confronted by her own commitments (titled "True Believer"). There is a scene in it that helps me see what a follower of Christ must do. Quite simply a Christian must first accept grace in the deep recesses of their soul. Then obedience will follow but also a life that follows Christ with a covenantal understanding/experience of God's love.

Ravi Zacharias (www.rzim.org) stated "Half goodness is the essence of everything bad" How true is it when we crawl through  our faith and not realize its of no gain to live as a slave. To have two masters and live in two worlds. To live is Christ and to die is gain. We must give Christ our whole lives, put our heads down and run the race until we die; never looking back. It is only then that the world will be changed. It is only then that we will be changed freed men.

Quite simply as a result of dying to self and living for Christ we will be violent lovers. Prodigal love will fill the earth. A love as sacrificial as the Cross. How blameless is such a love that only points to him.

Nikita: Season 3 Ep 3 "True Believer"

Nikita: She asked me if I was willing to die for division. I didn't have an answer.
Alex: Nikita that's because you spent so much time trying to take this place down.
Nikita: exactly and in that time no one thought I could be stopped because I thought I was stronger or faster....... It had nothing to do with that.
Alex: Then What Was it?
Nikita: I was committed. I was more committed than my enemies. I believed. If I lose that....

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