
walk me not and talk is pretty

Currently Listening to - http://www.amazon.com/Theme-For-The-Elthenbury-Massacre/dp/B001CQFYZM

the pretty
but reminded of how I'm ugly
I eat the pretty but

Im so ugly

I love
the pretty

but ugly

I enjoy the beauty
is it becuase I'm muddy

I dine a walk and love to gander
oh how the lines
pregression and waltzing lines

fill my soul
release the toxins
that bind

Lord save me
from my own mind

laughable petty
but it tears at me
eating like these lines

in the dungeon this pantheon
form the corridors of my mind

are all this shallow
alone am I?
regretfully this small miniscule road is mine

all the world and all I own
are contained in it's wind

to and fro
round it goes
the path
it takes
in me

the path
it rolls
until it consumes
all of me

not strong
not lovely
not awesome am I

just walking
sometimes weary

but am I to walk alone
he contests I'm not
and that he walks with me

and this
is all I know
humbly these feet growl amen.

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